Remember, Future Leaders of Tomorrow, every day that you strive to reach a greater level of academic excellence, despite living within the era of COVID-19, you are making a powerful decision to CONTINUE to CONTINUE! To learn more about AMOA's "Welcome to College: Your Ticket to the American Dream," motivational workshops, and college school supplies giveaways, visit our “Ticket to the dream” tab.

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During these challenging times, harnessing positive energy has the ability to shift your life in the direction that YOU desire! Believe it or not, the right type of mentality can change the trajectory of YOUR academic journey for the better! So, join me as I invite you to harness POSITIVE ENERGY today with AMOA! To learn more about AMOA's "Welcome to College: Your Ticket to the American Dream," motivational workshops, and college school supplies giveaways, visit our "Ticket to The Dream" Tab.